Monday, 29 March 2021

Happy Easter! 🐇🌷🌺🐣🍫

Easter is here! In English classes, we welcomed it by reading stories, singing songs, playing games, revising colours, learning new words and making some crafts! Here you have some of our activities and the songs and games we played! Happy Easter!

A Pascua xa chegou! Nas clases de inglés, démoslle a benvida lendo historias, cantando cancións, xogando, repasando as cores, aprendendo novas palabras e facendo algunha manualidade. Aquí tendes algunhas das nosas actividades así como as cancións e xogos que usamos! Felices Pascuas! 

All about bees!🐝🍯

This month, pupils in pre-primary were learning about bees! In English, we learned their colours (yellow, black and blue), their parts of the body (wings, body, legs and head) and some other words related to them (hive, honey, bee queen). Apart from that, we also sing the song "The bees go buzzing" by Super Simple Songs and we read the story "The happy bee".  Este mes, os pequenos de educación infantil estiveron aprendendo sobre as abellas! En inglés, aprendemos as súas cores, partes do corpo e outras palabriñas relacionadas con elas. Ademais, tamén cantamos a canción "The bees go buzzing" e lemos a historia "The happy bee". 

Monet Inspired Water Lillies 🌸🎨

In the art class, first and second graders welcomed spring by creating these water lillies inspired in Monet. Na clase de plástica, o alumnado de primeiro e segundo deulle a benvida á primavera creando estes nenúfares inspirados na arte do pintor Monet.