Monday, 23 November 2020
Toys 🚚⚽🧸
Goldilocks and the three bears 👧🐻🐻🧸
Grammar games! ❓➕❌❕
School supplies ✂📙✏📏
This week, we continued talking about school supplies. Esta semana, continuamos falando dos materiais escolares.
- We learned a new song! Aprendemos unha nova canción!
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Favourite superheroes 🌟⭐
Guided Drawing: Gingerbread Houses🍬🤶🎅
This week, Danish - our language assistant - showed us how to draw a gingerbread house!
Esta semana, Danish - o noso auxiliar de conversa - ensinounos como debuxar unha casiña de xenxibre!
Autumn landscapes 🌊 🌲🌳🌄
Inspired by the artist Robin Mead, we created our own autumn landscapes! We traced straight and curve lines. We also used cold colours for water (blue, green, purple...) and warm colours for the trees and the sky (orange, red, brown, yellow...). Here you have a video with our pieces of work!
Inspirados polos traballos da artista Robin Mead, creamos as nosas propias paisaxes de outono! Trazamos liña rectas e curvas. Tamén usamos cores frías para a auga e cálidas para as árbores e o ceo. Aquí tendes un vídeo cos nosos traballos.
Sunday, 15 November 2020
This week, we continued talking about school subjects and timetables.
We learned two new questions: Have you got (Maths) on (Monday)? and
What have you got today? We practised both questions with our language assistant, Danish.
Esta semana continuamos falando sobre as materias escolares e os horarios. Aprendemos dúas novas preguntas e practicámolas co noso auxiliar de conversa, Danish.
Apart from that, we also revised numbers from 0 to 100! We played Tambola with Danish!
Ademais, tamén repasamos os números do 0 ao 100! Para isto, xogamos a "Tambola" con Danish.
The Bear Family
What's inside the mistery box?
Que hai dentro da caixa misteriosa?
Esta semana, saiu da caixa misteriosa a Familia Oso! Coñecemos a Mum, Dad e Baby.
After that, we danced their favourite Nursery Rhyme: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around!
Despois, bailamos a súa canción favorita: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around!
Finally, we coloured a Picture Wheel about the Family Bear!
FInalmente, coloreamos a familia oso!
Sunday, 8 November 2020
Haunted Houses
Following the instructions of Danish, our language assistant,
we have created spooky haunted houses!
Do you like them?
New friends!
This school year, we have new friends who will help us to learn English!
Apart from Tiger, we met Noodle, Blossom, Cheesy, Broccoli, Jelly and Kernel!
Super hero selfies
"Super hero selfies" was our first Art project of the year and this is the result!
- First of all, we drew our selfie with pencil, traced it with black marker and painted with crayons.
- Then, we painted a sunset using watercolours.
- Finally, we created a cityscape using old newspaper pages.
Friday, 6 November 2020
School subjects!
Do you like school? What's your favourite subject?
This week, we started learning school subjects in English! We've been singing the song "School is really cool!"
Gústache o cole? Cal é a túa materia favorita? Esta semana, comezamos a aprender o nome das materias en inglés. Estivemos cantando a canción "School is really cool".